Hello everyone,
I trust everything is going well at your respective universities. In regards to the prompt for this week, I guess I would have to say that I wasn't surprised to find out that fluid power is literally everywhere in our world today. It isn't surprising because fluid power has so many different applications, so it makes sense that it is found all over. In truth I just never really thought about it before. I knew what hydraulics where and that they were used in tractors and construction equipment, but now I am starting to notice fluid power in more and more places such as the everyday vehicle, machining equipment, and robotics. It is pretty neat to be able to look at a machine that utilizes fluid power and know why it does what it does.
This post is dedicated to Emily and her parents motorcycle shop. I like motorcycles.
- Don
Thanks for the shout out Donny! Sounds like you are having a great time at MSOE!