Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Week 7 Blog: When did you know you were an engineer? Plus, update us on your research, please!

Most of you have just over three weeks left of your summer research experience.  Can you believe it!?  Time does fly -- and it does so faster as we age!  I can say so from experience. 

Speaking of growing up....

Week 7 Blog Topic:   When did you know you were an engineer?  Plus, a brief research update.
I have a nephew, Elijah, who I easily identified as a budding engineer, even at 9 months of age.  I took him for a bike ride, we stopped for a picnic, and he observed that if he moved the bike wheel back and forth, the pedals moved simultaneously.  He put the two and two together.  (You can catch it on YouTube, if you'd like:  Elijah is a Little Engineer.)  Since then, he's always had an affinity for understanding how things work.  It's fascinating!   His mom, my sister, posted a picture of him at daycare just this week, learning how to launch rockets.  Knowing Elijah, he's less interested in the rocket and more interested in learning about how the gadget operates.  And you best bet, I'll be the auntie encouraging him to pursue engineering in fluid power! 
So, when did you know you like to understand how things work?  How to problem-solve?  How to make something better?  How to tinker? When did you realized that you had an inclination towards engineering?  What was the thing that first garnered your attention?  Share with us how, when and why you knew you'd be an engineer! 

Also, now that you're in the depths of your project, give us a research update as well.  Especially since you had a blog break last week. 
Thank you!!


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