Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summer! Alyssa, at 9 months that is AWSOME! I see a future engineer or maybe even expert scientist in the near future.
I first started to show interest in learning in my 4th grade math class. I was the only one that would volunteer to do problems on the board even if I had no clue what I was doing. (lol) My interest of knowledge continued with me til about 6th grade then I "became a teenager" or "too cool for school". My sophomore year of high is when my love for knowledge came back to me...That kinda sounds a little corny BUT that's ok:) I've always been the one to modify all ways of doing things growing up but became a problem solver my freshman year of high school. My first inclination towards engineering was when I was at an all womens engineering conference at Gerogia Tech when, I think, I was about to go into 8th grade of 9th grade. Seeing other women achieving such greatness was a amazing and for me, an African American woman, it made me want to strive to become great because I am a double minority. Learning the numbers from what you can make in a year, to how many engineers are needed, to only a certain amount are pursing engineering made me pick engineering in general to major in. At the same conference I heard a woman who was an INdustrial Engineer speak and she reminded me so much of myself so I decided to research the major to gain more information. The more I found out, the more I loved ISE!!! I knew it because it was an obvious happy medium for me. I could, depending on which route I decide to take talk to customers...I LOVE TO TALK!(lol)....or I could be more hands on, such as manufactoring or maintainence.
I am so happy that I am an engineer in the making! #ISE
Peace, Love, Happiness,
Kiffinae Sanders
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