Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Home Stretch!


Congratulations!  You're on the home stretch -- just about ten days to go, but who's counting? I sure hope you have enjoyed working in a university laboratory, on a research team and learned all you could about fluid power in the last 10 weeks! 

Your final CCEFP REU deliverable for this summer is to complete your last blog submission and prepare a formal research poster, presentation or paper -- the option is yours!  (You've likely had this on your radar for several weeks now). 
Final REU Blog, due by August 8
Provide your final summary of your research project (the process, the end result, did you meet your objectives, what are the next steps, what weren't you able to complete, etc.); what will you take away from the summer experience (personal, professional or otherwise); and what advice might you have for a new REU entering the research environment.  Feel free to include any parting words, as well.  Also, share a picture of your poster, presentation or paper on your final blog.

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